Gratitude: Struggles of a 24-year-old Entrepreneur
This past month and a half has been one of the craziest, most stressful, and most exciting since graduating.
It’s been a month of reflection in my personal life and in business.
I just celebrated my 25th birthday while marking off two huge company goals in the past month or so.
When I first went into music publishing two years ago, I made a goal list for myself and for the company.
Two of the company goals were to win an AIMP Award and to have a Plaid Flag Music song played at the historic Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, TN.
Both of these things happened in the last two months.
Now, I’m not typing this or saying this to brag or bring attention to these accomplishments at all.
I bring this up because of an overwhelming feeling I experienced when these things happened.
Rewind to about a month ago at the AIMP (Association of Independent Music Publishers) Awards held at the Ryman Auditorium downtown Nashville.
AIMP Publisher’s Pick “Made For You”
Nominees were read.
The envelope opened.
Our company and past writer announced as one of the winners for Publisher’s Pick.
Of course, the immediate feeling of excitement, pride, and shock set in.
However, within a few seconds something else came over me… This strange feeling of calmness.
I began to look at every detail I could take in.
My sister’s joyous face. Our past writer’s bright smile. The sounds of the clapping.
In that moment, I wanted to take in everything and remember this.
I still couldn’t put a finger on whatever I was feeling.
I began to think of all the people who helped us, supported us, guided us.
All the people who answered my late night calls/texts.
All the people who took the time to meet.
All the people who didn’t laughed at what I thought might be a dumb question.
And then it clicked… It was the feeling of gratitude.
I was so overwhelmingly grateful for everything and everyone who helped the company, our writers, and my sister and I.
Thankful to the writers who poured their heart and soul into “Made For You.”
I thought of my parents, my friends, my mentors.
The overwhelming feeling of gratitude to work in an industry as amazing and impactful as music.
Grateful for falling into something I loved with people I loved.
This sensation of intense gratitude was the most calming, relaxing feeling.
Goal: Win AIMP Award - CHECK
Two weeks later, we were given tickets to see Cody Johnson at the Ryman Auditorium.
Cody recently cut and recorded one of Plaid Flag Music’s songs and it was actually the first song my sister and I pitched together. It was special to us and the writer for more than one reason.
I knew it would be a great show and honestly, it didn’t even cross my mind Cody would play our song.
He has had such an amazing career and so many albums, I assumed he would play most of his older songs mixed in with a few new ones.
Courtney, my sister, leaned over and said, “He’s going to play the song.”
I reminded her of Cody’s long career with a large amount of songs and even though it would be amazing, not to get her hopes up.
She smiled and said, “I bet he plays it.”
Well, Courtney was right. Her favorite words to hear me say.
Five songs in... I immediately recognized the tune.
Courtney started screaming, eyes watering.
I just sat there in disbelief. “Fence Posts” was being played in the RYMAN AUDITORIUM.
The same feeling of gratitude overwhelmed me.
All I could focus on was how grateful I was to the writers, to Cody and his team for believing in the song, and to the fans singing every word in the Ryman Auditorium.
And, we were lucky enough to witness it.
Goal: Song played in Ryman Auditorium - CHECK
Now, for larger companies or other people, these things may happen all the time.
But these were big goals for our writers and our company. And being small doesn’t take away from these victory moments.
Something I realized through these two incredible experiences - For me, Gratefulness heightens my enjoyment of an experience.
If I can remind myself to feel a level of gratefulness daily - It has an overwhelmingly positive impact on my day and my well being.
I realized gratitude has the ability to almost mimic the calmness I feel when meditating.
I think sometimes we get so caught up in life... stress, work, families... We forget to take a second and appreciate what we do have. I know this isn’t always easy or may seem impossible, but after these experiences, I plan to make more of an effort to try to be continuously grateful.